News China is Back in Business… And Prepared to Aid the World!
2020-08-18 07:08
Victure Group 0

As we know – the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is rapidly spreading across the globe. Outside of China there are hundreds of new cases and deaths occurring every day. Many, many countries are experiencing dramatic shortages of medical related items, including face masks, protective goggles, protective suits, virus testing kits, and many more.

Most countries have now placed restrictions or have banned the export – and even sale to the general public of these urgently needed protective devices. These countries already include Korea, India, Taiwan, Germany, Italy, and more will certainly add prohibitions. China found that one of the best preventions for all citizens was to always wear face masks. This is a lesson for the world. Everyone deserves to have an adequate supply of masks.

On the other hand, thankfully we see the situation in China becoming better day by day. Factories are back to work. Production lines are producing. We expect the allowance of exports of the needed medical prevention and protection devices to come soon. China will be able to fulfill their promise and commitment to provide aid to the rest of the world.

The challenge, in many cases, is that the medical device production lines are being quickly staffed with under trained replacement workers. The manufacturing equipment is being ran at two or three times the normal rate of production. And goods are hastily being prepared and packaged. — This urgent work requires the worldwide customers to have a greater need for quality control services and product inspections – now and in the coming months. While are all grateful that China’s output is back on-line, and inventories will soon be flowing… we must ensure that the critical devices meant to provide protection do not instead provide added harm.

In the meantime, I’d like to share a couple of LinkedIn groups for your product sourcing-

  1. China Sourcing, Import, Export-

  2. Asia Sourcing-

  3. Vietnam Sourcing-

  4. Wearables-

  5. Gifts and Premiums-

  6. Shenzhen Business Networking-

  7. Wechat-

  8. Phone Accessories-

  9. Bluetooth-

  10. IFA-

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