Blog Smooth communication is critical to deal with new vendors
2021-03-15 01:03
Hina Jain 0

While working on new products, companies must invest in performance testing to ensure that goods are reliable, sustain integrity and don’t cause harm.

In the development stages, buyers should utilize the relationship with their suppliers to conduct early on product testing to mitigate risk and increase production success. Suppliers are an excellent resource of knowledge and expertise. A strong relationship with a reputable supplier can go a long way and you can lean on them for support during development.

Some performance checks include durability, function, handling and shipping tests. Previously, we’ve worked with vendors to supply a soaking test to ensure that the paper was degradable as initially advertised. We had a video conference of the vendor taking samples of our product submerging it in a glass of water to ensure that within the allotted time of degradability, the paper disintegrated.

Similarly vendors should utilize video chat technology to check in on production and that simple functions of the product work. This may include turning on the product, twisting knobs or lids and checking latches. Other instances may include checking for sealability if the product will be advertised as seal-proof or water tight. For more integrated products that require multiple uses over time – some vendors may have stress testing rigs built. This may include a mechanism to test a push function multiple times.

Other instances where we’ve leaned on vendors to supply performance testing were ship simulations. To check out the integrity of the packaging – we’ve asked vendors to drop test the product at certain heights. In certain cases – we’ve also had the vendor ship a sample to see if the goods were intact.

Testing products with the factory can allow for issues to be caught early on, reduce errors and save costs. If you have a great partner, you should work with them to draft product tests to simulate real world environments that your customers’ may face. Testing in development stages is great for the above reasons, but always ensure that your final products are getting properly tested by reputable third party labs for product safety and regulations.

By contacting Victure Group, we can help provide communication support and project oversight to further the success of your vendor relations and products.

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