Blog Have you heard about Product Consolidation? Well read on for more information
2021-02-24 22:02
Hina Jain 0

Have you ever tried to get multiple products or multiple vendors? Have you ever tried to find a reliable China manufacturer for your desired product?

Most of the entrepreneurs we work with need and want one or possibly 2 reliable Chinese manufacturers from China to work with them.

What about the customer who needs multiple items?

Usually, the business owner will have a hard time finding the “only” manufacturer. What if you need a lot of items to achieve your end goal?

In reality, there are no companies / manufacturers that can offer all the items you need in one place.

So … you can search many manufacturers for each item, pay multiple fees for samples and try to contact many manufacturers and considering that your time and money are valuable, think that this process wastes both. What is the best alternative?

Find a sourcing company that does ALL of the functions for you. One such trusted company is Victure Inc. There are others, but Victure is a great start. By using a reputable sourcing company, you can save time by allowing the sourcing company to contact multiple manufacturers for each item you need.

Once the sourcing agent has found quality manufacturers, the agent can order many samples and ship them for much less than they can do. The sourcing agent can also inspect all manufacturers to make sure their products are made to their specifications and not yours. As you can see, it is well worth your time and money to find and hire a quality and reliable sourcing company. Before jumping blindly to get your products to market, when looking for a sourcing agent, stop and assess your situation before moving on.

Look for a solid Chinese sourcing company that can deliver ALL of your items from one place. You can and will save your time and money by eliminating the many scam artists who cannot or will not work with the best of intentions.

If you are interested in sourcing multiple products from China, you can approach Victure at connect me on my LinkedIn

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